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Abandoned Shopping Carts How Do I Deal With Them

By “Abandoned carts” we define that behavior of online consumers/users according to which they browse an online store adding products to their online cart, but without completing the purchase process . This means that they leave the website at one of the intermediate stages, before entering their payment.

Is every abandoned cart a lost sale and by extension another lost customer? Or is it a huge opportunity that you can take advantage of both to improve the services you offer to your customers and to further increase your sales?


The “nightmare” of abandoned baskets with numbers.

According to research by the company Barilliance, the average percentage of abandoned carts reached 77.24% in 2016 , confirming a continuous upward trend presented by this indicator in recent years.

In 2015, bi intelligence estimated the Mexico Email List total product. Value of abandoned carts at $4 trillion , of which 63% could .Be recovered by implementing specific strategies. According to the same research. Consumers who abandon their carts should not automatically be considered. A “Lost sale”, as ¾ of these consumers. Say they intend to return to the online or physical. Store in order to complete the purchase.

Keep reading to learn the reasons and ways to deal with abandoned carts for your business.

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The highest percentages of abandoned. Carts are not on mobile phones (smartphones) and to a lesser extent. On tablets, as shown by barilliance data. The CH Leads lowest percentages among. All devices are record on desktop computers, as it is consider Easier and more comfortable to make a purchase through. This device, to a greater extent than on mobile devices.

The percentage of abandoned carts is expected to continue to increase as more consumers turn to online shopping and this is one of the reasons that should motivate you to engage a little more with those of your customers who abandon their baskets full .

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