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The Career Site Is The Digital Foundation Of Your Employer Brand

A real content platform dedicated to recruitment, the careers site is the privileged point of contact between recruiters and candidates. The latter are more than 88% to approve it .

Its quality and ability to attract the profiles you need will determine the success or otherwise of your recruitment campaigns. Yet, in too many cases , the career site is neglected by the digital recruitment strategy .

Why should we reconsider this “unloved” recruitment process


The showcase of the employer brand
The career site is a unique space to share the Mauritania Email Lists DNA of the organization, its culture, its history, its values, its projects and its vision of human capital.

The career site is a unique space to share the DNA of the organization
Your career site shows who you are, like a storefront.
It is often the first look that potential candidates have on you, the receptacle of the zero moment of truth (the famous ZMOT ). Feel free to be as authentic and transparent as possible.

The company’s employees are increasingly present on career sites, through video or transcribed testimonials , even by involving them as employer brand ambassadors , when they directly answer questions from candidates.


The goal ? Increase the desire to belong and give the candidate the opportunity to glean information about the recruitment process. A first step in the box!

An issue of image and visibility


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A career site, like an institutional site, conveys a certain image of the company.

Therefore, it is essential to work well on the visuals , but also to offer a good user experience (UX for User eXperience) and relevant content .

Here are some important CH Leads areas to consider when creating or redesigning a career site:

The user experience of the site
An effective career site must allow a candidate to find the information he needs in less than 2 minutes . To do this, you have to anticipate their expectations and offer a clear path, with several paths allowing access to the data.


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