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8 business communication strategies you should know

Communication is a fundamental part of our daily lives. It is also a fundamental part of a company. And this does not only include having good internal communication, but also knowing how to convey the right message to customers and the general audience. But why is it so important?

David Grossman report in The Cost of Poor Communication that, on average, a company can lose more than $60 million a year due to a poor communication strategy , both internal and external. This is why it is important to find the most appropriate way to express values, philosophy or ways of acting in any positive or negative situation that arises in a company.

Furthermore, since digitalization processes now keep everyone more connect, it is vital to pay special attention and analyze whether your company is fulfilling its communication functions correctly. If you consider that this aspect could be improv, now is the right time to implement a communication strategy that better fits your objectives or goals.

What are communication strategies?

These are the actions that an organization carries out within botim database the area of ​​communication to effectively achieve the objectives and goals set. They can be establish for different reasons: restructuring, improving the corporate image, seeking an increase in sales, among other causes.

Communication is an important and interconnect fix email formatting issues factor. If you don’t believe it, you better consider the statistics that indicate that 40% of the increase in sales can be due to an excellent communication process.

Now, for a communication strategy to work, you must create a manual or guide that allows the organization to establish an action plan that defines the messages , research instruments, communication style and other elements to be execut. These aspects depend on the following keys.

Execution time frames

With these considerations, it is possible to carry out sms to data a communication plan that helps the company to effectively reach the target audience (internal or external) and that reacts positively, providing the expect results.

Companies that carry out internal and external communication in a structur, plann and purposeful manner, have an additional advantage over competitors who neglect this aspect.


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