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Why not bring them this newspaper

It was scary to this newspaper even think about it. However, when I went out for the first time, passers-by took me well, bought a newspaper and ask: “Do you only have one newspaper?” I ask which one they want and thought,. You know, I hadn’t had this for five years, when people paid me 10 rubles, buying a newspaper, and I took this hard-earn money in my hands with a feeling of happiness!

My first experience in business l

To zero, and it was from this zero that my real profitable business began, which is now 10 years old. Life itself suggest  this newspaper to me the path to a business that brings in good income to this day. My business scal up to 20 press outlets. In addition, my second co-founder and I develop three more areas: installation and maintenance of.

Climate control equipment, satellite dishes and video surveillance.


6 Rules of Online Negotiations: How to Make an Impressive Impression Remotely?
Reading time: 3 min.

Konstantin Smirnov
Business coach

Expert in complex negotiations

The online format has enter our lives relatively recently, but every day more and more business issues are resolv remotely.

Rule 1: A video meeting is better job seekers database than texting or calling
Video allows you to establish more personal contact with your interlocutor, to see him. Correspondence and even an audio call do not contain such a powerful element of information transfer as non-verbals – gestures, facial expressions, posture, etc.

To see a living person means to read his emotional state and influence him in this way, to interpret facial expressions and intonations.

Rule 2: You also ne to prepare for online negotiations

Paradoxically, preparation the sun and its shadows is the main part of negotiations. Those who are well prepar are arm for business combat. Study information about the interlocutor, about his company, develop several afb directory plans. Set a goal and write it down. In online communication, it is especially difficult to maintain a single course, so you will have to more often turn to the question: what do I want as a result?


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