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Why do we need aviation weather?

cloud cover
Cloud cover is one of the most important meteorological parameters that is checked before a flight. For flights that are carried out under visual flight conditions, it can even lead to the flight not being able to take place at all. The decisive factors here are both the vertical extent of the cloud and the type of cloud itself.

If the base of the clouds is too low, the distance between the ground and the clouds is not sufficient to fly safely. Depending on the region, the mountain peaks may also be in the clouds. Particular attention should be paid to the mountain passes that
are used by many private pilots to cross the Alps. For a quick overview, there is a graphic forecast of the most important routes, the so-called GAFOR, which uses the colors green, yellow, orange and red to provide information about cloud cover and visibility.


Color classification of visual flight routes


View of the municipality of Landquart. Low-hanging clouds can be seen, which lead to a red classification in the GAFOR. (Photo: MeteoSwiss)
Information about the upper limit of cloud cover helps in assessing whether the area can be flown over.

The type of cloud cover is also interesting. While senegal phone number library cumulus clouds are hardly a problem in good weather, thunderstorm clouds such as cumulonimbus must be avoided at great length. There are various dangers here, such as lightning strikes, large hailstones, squalls and freezing rain, which quickly leads to ice.


As a general rule take-offs and landings always take place


the wind. The wind is therefore a decisive factor in deciding which runways are used at an airport.


Wind sock, as found at all airports. It can be used to the ultimate guide to japanese management determine the wind direction and wind speed. (Photo: Holland Aviation, pixabay.com)
The wind also has an influence on the flight time. For example, a adb directory reliable westerly wind blows over the North Atlantic, which means that the flight from Zurich to New York with a headwind takes about an hour longer than the return flight with a tailwind. Using wind maps, the crew can optimize their route, take more fuel if necessary and plan the flight time reliably. Areas of turbulence can also be avoided, which makes for a more pleasant experience on board.

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