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Back up your site regularly

HOW TO : There are two main ways to back up your website: manually or with a third-party backup service. If you want to back up your website yourself, you need to log into your hosting account, locate the directory with your website files, use an FTP client to download this directory to your local computer, and store it in a safe place. This is helpful, but can be impractical, because you never know when something will go wrong, so having an automated backup is essential.

At SiteGround, we know how often morocco phone number library backups can save a disaster situation with your website. That’s why we have a sophisticated system to automatically create and store backups of your website. We generate a backup of your site every day and keep it for up to 30 days. Additionally, we store these backups in a different data center than the one hosting the live account, which is an extra layer of safety for your data, in case something affects the entire data center. SiteGround customers can easily manage backups from Site Tools > Security > Backup .

For our customers’ peace of mind, we recently launched our new Premium Backup service which provides customers with automatic hourly backups, on-demand backups for a complete backup of their sites (whenever they need it), 7 additional automated daily backups on top of what’s included in the plan, and the ability to download all backups locally.

11. Regularly monitor your site’s security status

WHY : Even if your site is secure and coffee dropshipping: how to start your own business backe up, you still nee to regularly check its security status. It’s important to know how secure your site is and if the security posture has change: keep an eye on how many attacks have been mitigate or find new ways to further protect your site from incidents.

HOW : To check the security status of your website, you can use a free open-source tool. There are many such tools online . If you use WordPress, you can also run a security scan with various free plugins to scan your website and detect vulnerabilities. After checking the security status of your site, it is important to analyze the results and take action where necessary.

SiteGround customers receive free beb directory monthly security reports , delivere straight to their inbox. In these reports, they get a summary of their site’s security audit, along with actionable tips on how to reduce the risk of attacks, if any weak areas are identifie. All this information is gathere in a user-friendly format and the feature is enable by default for all our customers. To manage their reporting preferences for any of their sites, they simply nee to log in to their User Area > Notification Preferences and click on the pencil icon next to Monthly Security Reports .


Your website is the most important and valuable digital asset you own, so you nee to make sure it is as secure as possible, every time. By constantly reviewing and implementing new security measures, you ensure that your site is at the highest level of security. This way, your business, your visitors’ information, and your reputation will be safe during any business season.

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