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Fix Email Formatting Issues

You can send yourself and your colleagues a bunch of test emails to double-check your formatting and image loading, Fix Email Formatting Issues but ultimately it’s impossible to know how your email will look on every mobile device and through every email client. Some recipients may even have image loading turned off, blocking graphics and hypertext images. By including a web browser version of your email, you give subscribers the ability to view your email outside of their inbox , giving them access to the accurate, complete version of the email without rendering issues.

Help visualize content- or image-rich emails.

Some emails may be particularly russia phone number library image-heavy, or may include animations or other visual elements that take longer to load on some email providers or devices. This can result in the content not being able to be viewed, which will not only impact the reader experience, but also your message. Some users may even become so annoyed that they end up marking your content and sending your emails to spam . By clicking “View this email in browser,” recipients can exit to the web, where the full content of the email can be loaded more easily .

Enable sharing and reach a wider audience

By having a web browser version flat rate shipping: how to increase sales, prices and speed of your email, you make it shareable . In other words, if a subscriber clicks on the “View this email in browser” link, they can copy the link and share it with others, allowing you to reach a wider audience.

How to use the “View this email in your browser” link.

As we said, the beauty of the web browser link is that it makes your emails accessible beyond the recipient’s inbox . This allows your information to reach more people and also means that you can refer back to past content and use it in the future.

This is all well and good, but you may be wondering how to exploit this apparent potential. Here are some creative ways to do so:

Take advantage of social sharing

As mentione above, having a linkable version of your email allows for sharing and therefore gives your business more ways to reach more people. Here are a couple of ideas for taking advantage of sharing:

  • Share emails on social media and your social profiles: If you have a newsletter that contains particularly relevant information, you may want to share it on social media and/or include it as a link on your social profiles (for example, as one of your shared links on Instagram). This is also a great way to reach an audience that is already intereste in your brand, but may not have signe up for your emails yet.
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