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I always analyze the company’s financial

I devot the lion’s share of my time to ucation. This step gave our company a colossal boost in development. Receiving more and more new knowlge, inspiration and understanding of modern realities, we manage to be on trend, not to miss new opportunities, to develop together with technologies and implement them in the company, to promptly adapt to changes in the industry, marketing, the world.

At the same time

I continue to control the job seekers database processes in the company, but at a different level, through the deputy. indicators every company’s financial month, communicate with employees, find out how they are doing, their mood, whether they ne any help. If help is ne, I always inform the head of the department and the deputy and check the implementation.  take part in the general team meeting to be aware of current events. Ialk about the company’s development plans, new directions of our movement, set global tasks for the departments and the deputy.

I always analyze numbers, not words

They help me company’s financial understand whether everything is fine in the business, whether it is growing or losing ground. If I see a decline, I delve into the processes to remove the stone that is holding the inbound marketing results and the importance of engagement company back. Of course, my deputy provides me with great help and support in work processes. It is important for me that he understands me, is focus on success and plays the role of a manager perfectly.

In conclusion, I want to say that when adb directory I manag to let go of control of everyone and everything, delegate it to my deputy, the roles of owner and manager were divid, the company made a powerful leap forward, increasing turnover by 3 times, and the company’s profit by almost 5 times.


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