Such zones can be artificially creat, or have a natural landscape. Artificially creat, on which investors can expand their activities and build factories and other industry infrastructure. In such zones, the state initially takes on the obligation to develop the territories to create an attractive free zone.
Free economic zones in the natural landscape are present mainly in the tourist and recreational direction. And entire regions or natural objects act as zones. For example, the Crimean Peninsula, the “Altai Valley”, and the “Gates of Baikal” can be attribut to them.
If we give a definition
then a free economic allocates land zone is a territory that has a special legal status that guarantees preferential tax conditions for doing business for both Russian and foreign companies.
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“The Best Cities for binance data Business Part 3!” [/warning]
What is the difference between a free zone and other regions?
Free zones receive allocates land maximum tax benefits, such as ruc tax rates or complete tax exemption for a period.
Customs privileges may be
express in the allocates land form of exemption from duties or ruction of customs tariffs for the import of import materials and components necessary for production, as well as the export of products.
Preferential utility services for electricity, water, and office space rental.
Simplification of the registration and documentation procures.
How can one become a resid agb directory ent of a special economic zone?
In order to become a full-flg investor-resident of the free zone, you must meet certain criteria:
In order for business activity to correspond to certain directions. In particular, in Russia, in order to get into its free economic zone, it is necessary to conduct activities in the following directions:
Tourism and recreation;
— industrial and the following niches are promising: production;
— transport logistics, in particular port logistics
; — scientific and technological.