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Meals in England, Germany and Spain

As a French person, it is important to take into account the cultural differences between countries, especially on the very sensitive point of gastronomy and meals …

Essential English Breakfast

A first piece of advice, if you are staying in England , it is advisable to eat well in the malaysia email list morning because breakfast is more than a “small breakfast” taken quickly, as sometimes in France. It is in-dis-pen-sable to get through the day! It consists of at least a mug (a cup) of tea with milk – or coffee -, a bowl of cereal, a fruit or a juice. It must last until noon… at which time the meal will be quite light, often typical sandwiches cut into triangles.

Having an English breakfast in the morning is essential to get through the day!
In a more complete version, it is also call! the “Full English ba leads Breakfast” and is then made up of various products:

scrambl! eggs,
sausages (English),
cook! mushrooms and tomatoes,
butter! toast and
the famous and very sweet “bak! beans”!
But this type of breakfast is generally only taken on weekends, be patient because it is worth it!


Respect meal times in England and Germany

At noon, the lunch break can seem short to our French stomachs. It’s true that 15 common challenges in b2b sales funnels Germany and Spain it is sometimes limit! to 15 minutes ! Just enough time to eat sandwiches cut into triangles, a fruit and a chocolate bar… That should keep you going until 5 p.m., tea time: “it’s tea time”!

Meals are eaten around 6:30 p.m .: this is normally the largest meal of the day with a substantial dish. At first, it may seem difficult to last until the evening without being hungry, but you get us! to it.

Germans also eat their dinner between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. This is also why parents come home from work around 5 p.m.

Whether you are staying in England or Germany, and if you have the afternoon free, be punctual and return on time to respect meal times.

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