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How do you deal with the company when you are not achieving your goals?

It can happen to anyone. A bad month, a bad estimate, a product issue… there are many reasons why you might not be able to meet your goals. Interestingly, not meeting your goals doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhappy with your client. But you do need to follow a few rules.

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Let’s look at 3 rules that will 99 acres database help you manage the communication of bad results:

Rule No. 1: Communicate on time!

If the company only finds out about it from you in a report, it’s infinitely late.

Rule #2: Share the reason WHY?

You need to compare with planned metrics, where did you fall short? There is less order volume because:

worse conversion rate? – and why? Because you don’t have a top product?

higher CPC and you south>north: 15 days of discovery in europe have to throttle your campaigns more? – and why? Because CTR is getting worse? Or is competition stronger?

Or is frequency increasing?

Always think like I advise in our course on key metrics: Rule #3: Agree on what you can do about it

This is where junior PPC  china phone numbers specialists start coming up with a lot of plans outside their area of ​​expertise. But that’s not right either. First, think about what YOU can actually do about it.

You don’t have a top product: will you turn on pre-sale and change the communication in creatives? Or will you try to promote a substitute? Do you need new assets for this?


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