Sometime last summer, an article came out that analyzed the performance of matchmaking. I’ve been wanting to write this article ever since. So let’s take a look at how free matchmaking is doing? Is it worth using? Should it be your first choice?
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First, let me repeat what the aforementioned article with the match analysis said. It found that broad match was the absolute best! It achieved the best CPC and cost per conversion. And phrase match performed the absolute worst.
if you manage to read vk database the article to the end, you will find out that the analysis was based on stupid data. Because the spend allocated to broad match was significantly lower than to the rest of the matches. Broad match only accounted for 8% of clicks. Therefore, the entire analysis cannot be considered valid.
Around the same time, this image started appearing widely on Linkedin:
It evokes the feeling that broad match is much smarter than phrase and exact match. But Google still recommends you use it with bidding strategies, right? And they use the same signals ( from the help :
“They take into account a wide language stays: 6 points to consider for parents (1/2) range of signals valid at the time of the auction, including information about device, location, time of day, remarketing list, language and operating system.
Thanks to this, they can capture the unique context of each search.”). Or would anyone here dare to use broad match without a bidding strategy?
So that doesn’t seem like a good reason to be a big fan of free consensus either.
On the other hand, let’s look at china phone numbers another case study from September 2023, which is not so optimistic. It’s a presentation from Pubcon by Navah Hopkins from Optmyzr. They did an analysis on 2637 accounts and found that exact match achieved better ROAS in 76% of accounts and better CPA in 71%. ( here is a link to the article with the analysis )