It is true that no one can guarantee that each of your leads will become a customer; however, within all the strategies that exist to increase the conversion rate, there is also a way to optimize your marketing and sales departments so that the percentage of clos deals increases: smarketing.
In this article we will show you that one of the most important factors within all smarketing processes and systems is, curiously, one of the most overlook: user experience. By including user experience as part of the guiding thread of your smarketing process, you will be able to create a radical difference in the way you achieve your business objectives.
Smarketing: why it is vital in business
You often see sales departments complaining to marketing fusion database that their leads are not valuable. In turn, marketing complains to sales that they have no intention of working on those leads or that they are not closing as many deals as they could. In addition to the fact that this way of working lacks a collaborative spirit, it gives rise to a vicious circle. The worst comes when both areas have unconnect objectives and processes, for example:
“Marketing must reach 1,000 leads in a month and sales must reach 1,500 clos deals.”
«Marketing does not have an MQL process , while sales must do the entire qualification process (and discard leads that were not interest from the beginning)».
That is why it is so necessary to unify the business vision the benefits are integrat and specific goals of these departments. Precisely, smarketing ( Sales + Marketing ) means creating a deep alignment between the marketing and sales departments of your company.
To implement it:
Promotes coexistence and communication: How can there be success between two parties if they don’t know each other? You can take the first step in smart marketing by creating an informal meeting between the teams, and then create recurring meetings where collaboration is encourag.
Create service standards and agreements: It is important to have standards in the recruitment, qualification and closing processes, as well as consistent goals from one department to another.
Adopt tools: invest in specializ software that allows you to keep track of interactions with leads and prospects so that each specialist has an overview of each case.
Thanks to a smarketing process, following the examples above:
“After setting appropriate clos sales targets, there is an sms to data agreement on how many leads the marketing department should deliver to the sales department.”
“The lead qualification process is unifi in both departments, so that the leads that marketing provides are truly valuable, while sales can prioritize those that represent a greater advantage for the company.