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Burger King do not allow themselves to be openly rude

SERM Mistakes That Could Cost You Customer Loyalty
Managing your reputation is a difficult, sometimes thankless job. Especially today, when users are already fed up with trying to win their attention. However, if you want to grow, you need to do this work. But do it carefully, carefully checking every step. One wrong move – and all your efforts go down the drain. Here are just a few reputation management mistakes that you should definitely avoid in 2025:

Going overboard with creativity

We agree that doing something that will make the audience say “Wow!” is becoming more and more difficult every year. But this does not mean that you need  thailand telegram to go all out. You should not go too far beyond the boundaries of your accepted Brand Voice. Outrageousness is acceptable, but it should be restrained, correctly associated with you. After all, even such marketing hooligans as Burger King do not allow themselves to be openly rude. Especially cameroon business directory  towards customers. Remember: excessive creativity can result in a negative reaction. Especially if you have not done anything like this before.

Lack of control over online reputation

Even if you already have a ton of positive reviews on each service, you shouldn’t completely exclude SERM issues from your field of view. This way, you can miss the moment when your reputation starts to fall. And the negative trend here often develops like a snowball — it can be very difficult to stop it.

Refusal to contact the audience. It is important not only

To collect reviews and mentions – you need to work with them effectively. Not even with them, but with their authors. And with the audience in general. Try to be on the same emotional wave with your clients: understand how you are perceived and direct this perception in the  how to start a successful affiliate program direction you need. Making money is good and right, but users should see you as something more than an attempt to make money on them. It is important for them to feel your care, attention to their needs. And for this, you need to interact with the audience. And not just respond to comments, but encourage dialogue, to provide feedback.

Negative on negative.

No company is immune to negative reviews and complaints. Including unfounded ones. But no matter how much you want to, you can’t behave rudely. The “Best defense is offense” position in reputation management is dangerous and destructive. Therefore, always save face, react calmly. Try to delve into the voiced problem, solve it – this way you can return the client’s favor. Remember that other users see your answers. And they may well project the situation onto themselves. “If they are so rude to this person, they can be rude to me too” – and that’s it, you have lost a potential client.

Purchased/self-written reviews.

Let’s not talk about the ethics of such methods, everyone decides for themselves. The main problem with paid reviews is that they very rarely reflect reality. This is an attempt to cover up real problems with beautiful, but often unfounded words. Therefore, efforts should be directed, first of all, to obtaining real reviews. Even if they are negative – the main thing is that they are truthful.
The Current Stack of Reputation Management Tools in 2025

Just a few years ago, search reputation

Management was limited to tracking and analyzing online mentions. That is, in fact, to working with reviews. And working in a passive format. Then brands learned to combat negativity, challenge biased points of view, and interact with authors. Then methods for attracting positive feedback were mastered… But in fact, all this was limited to working with reviews. Many brands still understand online reputation management only in this way.

However, in the realities of 2025, to qualitatively improve your online reputation, you need to use a much wider arsenal of tools. Here’s what you should pay attention to first:

Work with influencers. Interact with media personalities, opinion leaders — use their popularity and authority in favor of your brand. It is not necessary and even impossible to resort to direct, classic advertising: such promotion should be native. So that the target audience itself builds the associations you need.

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