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How to do it? Setting up events in GA via GTM without editing code

This article will be useful to anyone who wants to track the effectiveness of their resource. The trick is that by using the tips below, the need to dig into the site code disappears by itself.

After Google Analytics Summit in Google Tag women database Managera function appearedevent tracking settings without editing the site code. In this post, you will learn how to use this option.

The mechanics of the new functionality. Is that you install the gtm code on the site. Configure gtm and ga, and track the. Necessary actions (clicks on links, form filling, etc.) in the event format.

Let’s describe the setup algorithm. Using the example of tracking the. Number of clicks on the “download checklist. Link, which is located in aweb company blog.

Installing on the siteGoogle Analytics via GTM:

In GTM, we create a Tag with the Event Listener -> Link Click Listener type, to which we apply the “use on all pages” rule:


The Link Click Listener tag tracks all clicks on links on pages and allows you to assign events to clicks on specific links.

In addition to the above tag, the following tags are worth mentioning:

  • Form Submit Listener – form submission tracking tag
  • Click Listener — tag for tracking clicks on arbitrary elements (pictures, buttons)
  • Timer Listener – tag for monitoring time intervals

Step 3.

Create an event trigger tag when the link is clicked:


we specify the rules for triggering. An event, in which {{event}} = gtm.linkclick is a. Reference to the click tracking tag on the page. (which was created in step.


Step 4.

Let’s create an additional rule for tracking. The event when clicking on a link with ID:


We specify that when clicking on a link. From the code of the aweb blog page.


In the current example, determining b2b phone list whether a specific link. Was clicked is done via the element ID. GTM can also determine events byother signs. Element class, unique string, URL).

Step 5.

In the last rule we specify that. The event applies to all pages.


Step 6.

After this, we save the event parameters, create a new version of the container (Create Version button) and publish it (Publish button).

In the example I described, three free portfolio website: 15 examples to showcase your work Conditions for triggering an event were. Created in three rules (to make the process clearer. In the future, three conditions can. Be created within one rule.

To check the functionality of event tracking, you need to click on the link on the website several times and check for the event in the Real-Time — Events report:


NB Technical note: it is important that the links that are tracked do not have a return false function, which blocks the transfer of data toData Layer.

Additional materials on setting up events via GTM: “A detailed description of the mechanism of work from Justin Cutroni” and”Help for creating macros”.

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