With the good comes some allowed smaller bad. The india phone number library pandemic has also impacted the CPG industry negatively:
The CPG food-and-beverage industry was hit with distribution and staffing shortages this past year. Reuters reports that the problem continues to this day. Distributors have had to raise their prices from $7,000 to up to $22,000 for shipping goods coast to coast.
Beverage brands to thrive, such as:
More than 120,000 CPG positions are being left unfilled. The National Grocers Association reports that many grocery stores are operating with only 50% of their staff.
Despite the high demand for CPGs, supply chain challenges and inflation threaten the success of food and beverage retail brands. Global supply chain disruption may linger for years, according to a survey from US supply chain executives from Carl Marks Advisors. More information on climate change than half of executives expect supply
Chains to normalize by the first half
Small brands are eating up food ecommerce market share
CPG players that are nimble germany cell number and respond to market changes will be able to take advantage of changing consumer habits.