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Bidding strategy: wait vs act?

Has this happened to you too? You have a bidding strategy on your campaign and it’s not getting the results you want. What to do about it? Should you dig into it or wait for the results? It’s a dilemma. Especially if someone is pressuring you to get results now.

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When to wait:

You launched it a few days ago band database and it’s not meeting its goals yet, but it’s not completely out of the question.
Not performing now, but for the last 30 days : often people start to panic because they look at the last 7 days and see that the strategy is not performing.

But it is always good to look at

How it looks for the last 30 days (it is good to have a separate column set up for this). The exception is if the low season plymouth: summer stay for young college students has just started and you forgot to set up seasonal adjustment.

It hasn’t been fulfilling in the last 30 days, but that’s because you recently changed your target.
When to act:

Recently launched, but not spending at all: if you see that you have set a strategy and it has killed your campaign, then really take action.

It doesn’t perform because it has very few conversions.

You set the goal incorrectly: I see this all the time. Maybe you were counting on other campaigns to compensate for the high PNO/CPA. And that didn’t happen and then it doesn’t work out overall.

Drop in conversion rate: set seasonality adjustments.
You and your company have set different goals/the market has changed/different margins/different strategy.

You need to reduce spend/push china phone numbers and you have space in IS : however, I would think twice about whether it is really necessary, especially if it is working well for you now. Will push really bring more conversions?
It doesn’t meet the goal, even though it has enough conversions and fixed conditions.

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