Do you have set priorities in your business, your work is perfectly organized, but your productivity is still not growing? Efficiency at work is influenced not only by managerial skills, but also by the ability to work with your own energy. If you accommodate your individual biorhythms, you will always have a smooth ride at work, and you will still have more free time for hobbies and relaxation.
How to work effectively and have quality rest
Our body and mind must be prepared for both work and gambling data hong kong rest. And it is our internal clocks – biorhythms – that tell us when to work and when to rest . Chronobiology deals with their research.
Biorhythms are cyclical, i.e. regularly recurring changes in the human body, which result in a rise or fall in energy . These changes occur on a daily basis, but also on a weekly basis and in cycles of several weeks to years. To make things even more complicated, each person has their clock set differently.
Biorhythm is written in our DNA, so it cannot be fooled. If you work in conflict with your biorhythms, it will result in reduced productivity, higher error rates and, last but not least, your health and poor quality rest. You simply have to learn to respect your body’s needs and meet them . How to do it?
Energy rises and falls repeatedly throughout the day
The human circadian cycle has several phases. Research has shown cannibalization is harmful that the human body regularly alternates between approximately 90-minute phases of high brain activity and 20-minute phases of low brain activity . When your body is in the rising phase, you have quick and clear thinking, creative ideas and enough energy for complex tasks. In the falling phase, fatigue, higher error rates and moodiness occur.
So, if you are working on a challenging and important task and start to feel tired, it is a good idea to take a 20-minute break from it and then return to it with a clear mind.
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Are you a lark or an owl?
To better understand your body’s daily rhythm, you also need to know your chronotype .
Early birds
Larks have no problem getting up early to finish their work in the thailand data early afternoon. They are most productive around 10 am , and their slowest time comes around 2 pm. Overtime is a pain for them, and given their low productivity in the afternoon, it makes no sense.
If you are also a morning person, do important and complex tasks in the morning . You can do routine work in the afternoon. Don’t forget to go to bed on time and follow sleep hygiene to fall asleep without any problems.
Night owls
Night owls, on the other hand, suffer if someone forces them to go to work in the morning. Their body needs the morning and afternoon hours to rest. They can handle routine activities in the afternoon and be very creative and productive in the evening .
Are you a night owl? Don’t forget to fill your free mornings with meaningful activities, otherwise you won’t have time for active rest. Start the day slowly and work your way from the simplest tasks to the most complex ones . Get up at the same time every day, even if it’s only at 10.
Divide your work tasks by day of the week
One example is the different activity of the body on different days of the week . People have learned to work from Monday to Friday, and so has our body, which expects rest at the end of the work week. So what tasks are ideal for individual days?
Mondays are the first working day, so it is logical that brain activity “starts up” gradually. This day is therefore ideal to devote to routine activities – handling common communication, reports, etc. The brain is most active on Tuesday and Wednesday .