Let’s figure out in what situations a product can receive the Refurbished category:
product to the store. And there may be several reasons for this:
A person has changed his mind. He bought a product on emotions, but after a couple of days he realized that he doesn’t need it, it doesn’t suit him, or he just doesn’t like it. Then he returns such a product to the store, and it gets the Refurbished status.
The purchased product has
A technical defect, which was discovered as a result of complaints from many buyers. Then the manufacturer withdraws the betting database batch of goods, declaring a free replacement for a new one. For us, this is something out of the realm of fantasy, but in the US and Europe, consumer protection policies are completely different.
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There may be a situation when a product that has not yet been sold is recalled from all points of sale. There are also certain grounds for this:
Defects were found buyer decided in a batch of goods. Then all goods are recalled and the defects are eliminated in production.
The product has been
“staying” on the buyer decided store shelves. Progress does not stand still, and the equipment that was super new 2 years ago is now unnecessary “old stuff”. It is unlikely that anyone will buy it at the original price. Then the discover how inbound marketing can accelerate digital transformation manufacturer takes all such goods and modernizes them.
Quite rarely, in order t o agb directory make a product cheaper and more attractive to buyers, changes are made to the package: for example, software may be removed from a laptop or the amount of RAM may be reduced, a leather case and an additional battery may be removed from a video camera package, etc.