When we talk about call centers, the first image that comes. To mind is an operator in front of a PC with headphones on his ears. When creating a call center, in fact, you must also take into account the purchase of quality headphones.
How to choose the most suitable call center headset for luxembourg phone number library your operators? We have put together some tips to guide you towards a conscious purchase.
Features to Consider When Buying Call Center Headsets
We are use to thinking about workplace risks in different why your content doesn’t make money categories. But contact center operators are also consider subjects exposed to health risks. It is necessary to choose headphones that offer not only good sound quality and comfort when wearing them, but also systems that can protect the hearing of those who use them. According to the European directive 2006/42/CE, the upper limit value for exposure to noise is set at 85 dB(A). If this limit is exceed, hearing disorders, even permanent. Could be Contact center employees spend many hours on the phone, exposing themselves to sudden loud sounds, the so-called acoustic peaks and bfb directory a high average noise level. Without adequate hearing protection, in the worst case, this can lead to a real acoustic shock that can damage hearing. Too high a volume level on headphones during working hours can lead to certain levels of tiredness and stress that then affect the productivity of the individual. In addition to health, excellent headphones ensure clear audio; This advantage translates into an interference-free conversation, without wasting time repeating phrases and words multiple times.
Here are some more general tips:
- Noise Cancelling Headphones: Noise cancelling headphones can help isolate background noise, allowing for clearer communication during calls.