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There are dozens of tools for brand promotion and customer search. However, what works well in the B2C sphere is not always suitable for B2B. Tatyana Stepanenko, head of client projects at Aktion Marketing , explains how to choose tools that will work for a specific audience.

Most companies start searching for their narrow audience with targeted marketing solutions: for example, they use tools such as SEO, contextual or targeted advertising. And that’s right. They get their first leads, orders, and generate statistics. Then the company starts scaling up and — logically — invests more money in tools that worked effectively at the initial stage. But they don’t get the expected result.

Why did reliable tools stop working?

This happens because B2B clients are a very library shop narrow audience, constantly expanding the reach and attracting more and more new buyers is physically impossible. Here, every client is valuable, and you need to know how to work with them . When a company sets up point solutions, it targets at best 10% of customers who need to urgently solve their problem, and they quickly agree to buy. But the remaining 90% remain unreachable. This audience compares for a long time, reads reviews, including negative ones, searches for additional information – and only then makes a decision on cooperation.

Let’s take a look at the audience funnel :

The narrowest segment (10%) are clients who already need your product or service and want to buy it. They are ready to sign a contract today or tomorrow, often have already chosen a contractor or do not care about the contractor, but rather about solving the problem. Such clients are easy to find through contextual advertising.
The middle segment of the funnel (70–80%) — clients who have a formed need, but are looking for a contractor/supplier, choose the one whose offer seems more interesting. A set of measures is important to attract this audience: content marketing works well, useful materials (the ability to download checklists, listen to a webinar, etc.).
The broadest segment is people how to create reels on instagram and get them to … who do not yet have a need for your product, but when it arises, they should remember you. This will happen only if you demonstrate expertise , grow brand loyalty and a positive attitude towards subsequent contacts through the publication of useful content, webinars. This audience will not pass by a useful service that can help in the future.
There is no universal set of marketing tools “for everyone” — each product and audience segment has its own set of tools. Therefore, it is important to look one step ahead, gradually growing your target audience.

Most often, marketers use the following tools :

To attract the first clients – cold calls, SEO promotion, contextual cz lists and targeted advertising, geo-services (Yandex.Maps, 2GIS), tenders, word of mouth, work at events and purchase of ready-made databases with a relevant audience (Kontur.Kompas, etc.).
To scale lead generation – content marketing, SMM, the founder’s personal brand, lead magnets, WhatsApp, Viber mailings and email marketing.

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