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How Ai And Data Ethics Will Affect Marketing In 10 Years

Marketing tech guru scott brinker has officially. Released the 2020 version of the marketing technology landscape. Which includes over 8,000 marketing and advertising vendor solutions.

Although 615 solutions on the lumascape. List in 2019 were removed from this year’s map due to acquisition.S or mergers, the number of solutions analyzed by martech lumascape increased by 13.6% from last year. Including the 615 that. Were on the 2019 map, the new category is up 24.5% year over year.

Brinker noted that of the 7,040 solutions in lumaska. ​​in 2019, some did not yet offer martech solutions. Indicating a change in ownership rather than a decrease in the overall number of vendors.

Across solution categories, data showed the highest year-over-year growth of 25.5%, with 1,258 solutions in lumascape. The second highest-growing category was managed solutions, up 15.2 percent, which included 601 solutions.

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Since starting mapping operations in 2011, brinker reports that the number of martech solutions available to marketers today has Saint Lucia Business Email List grown by 5,233%. He said there are still many solutions, but he cited consolidation across the market, with only a handful of enterprise solutions groups dominating the global martech market share.

The latest report shows the fastest-growing subcategories by growth rate in each category. Interacting with the physical world, such as printing, retail proximity and internet of things (iot) tools, along with data governance and privacy, video marketing, conversational marketing and chat, project and workflow management, brinker stressed, are key.

Opportunities To Improve Marketing Are Constantly Emerging

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Brinker said there are hundreds of category leaders. “these leading group solutions focus more on specific features, such as social media CH Leads management, have deeper expertise, and are still generating tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Martech is a us$112 billion industry,” he said.

Brinker forecasts the next 10 years, including a rich and diverse ecosystem of vendors, as to where the future is head.

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