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How Can Modern Marketers Use It To Benefit

In fact, the development of various Marketing Technology software has been known in the online world for many years. But most of them are distributed among large organizations. When the world experienced a major outbreak of COVID-19 in the past two years, it caused the demand for these tools to increase rapidly by leaps and bounds. Small and medium enterprises are starting to use different technologies. These are widely Until now, there have been hundreds of thousands of marketing tools developed, both as tools and platforms, which we can separate into many types of work. Here are the main classifications of marketing technology available. Its use is so widespread that it has become a trend in Digital Marketing today.

Customer Relationship Management CRM

Here we mean the dimension ofWeb analytics (Web Analytics) is the process of analyzing the behavior of website visitors, known as Users or Visitors. This tool helps to track, monitor and report information. to measure the results of activities on the website Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List including use of the website and other components such as web pages, images and videos. Data collected through web analytics may include traffic sources. referring site page views channel used and the conversion rate (conversion rate) or the ratio of traffic to the content on the website that becomes the action of any activity that the business values, for example. It is often part of customer relationship management analysis. (CRM analytics) to facilitate and improve business decisions. Website analytics help businesses retain customers and attract more visitors.Google Analytics etc.


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Refers to various digital advertising technologies that help online marketers create services for consumers more efficiently. This may mean using social CH Leads media as an advertising channel. Or advertising on the Internet search engine (Search Engine) with PPC (Pay per click) method to reach a larger audience. or targeting ads to people in particular demographics or groups, especially when it comes to advertising spaces displayed on various websites, for example. Email Marketing.



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