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How to create a custom

How to create All these functions can be activat in the HubSpot platform. . When the customer is on the site This is perhaps the HubSpot function preferr by salespeople : when the leads in the database visit the site, a small notification appears on the desktop notifying them of their presence on a specific page. No immiate actions are necessary, it is preferable to observe the prospect’s behavior (which pages he is viewing). In the following days, depending on the type of visit analys, the potential customer may be contact to understand how to be useful and support any nes.

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HubSpot also offers the possibility of activating a chatbot : visitors who use it will be pleasantly impress by the human wedding photo editing service aspect of this tool. Making dialogue agile, optimizing the ability to speak live and in person shows the image of a company that is easy to communicate and work with. . What questions did the prospect answer? For visitors to have an extraordinary and unique experience, they must feel comfortable. Your site and content, therefore, should be built bas on what you know about your target audience. HubSpot helps define visitor behavior thanks to the progressive profiling process.

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This feature allows you to collect valuable new information every time a prospect fills out a form or interacts with the site and to personalize the experience, further increasing the add value of the purchasing process. . How qualifi the lead is Qualifying contacts is a complex but truly indispensable activity. The sales force should have the best prospects with “hot” leads, so as to have more opportunities to finalize the sales proposal. The best way to do this is to collect the data provid by CH Leads HubSpot through marketing automation and progressive profiling in the CRM, in order to create a dynamic scoring model and provide sales guidance, encouraging subsequent actions.

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