Amid the declaration of a state of emergency at home and abroad, social media presence is growing. The pew research center in the us released a study in 2019 that more than half of adults looked for news on social media.
Gina rednac, founder and president. Of l&a social, emphasized that the most important consideration. For companies on social media is always providing real value.
“Everyone’s eyes are on the news feed,” rednac said. This opens up opportunities for businesses to deliver truly useful value through social services. However, one thing to be careful about is that the content should be a sincere place that helps society, not taking advantage of society’s vulnerability.”
So How Does This Phrase Apply In The Unprecedented Crisis
Covid-19 pandemic
Sean szeps, head of social. Digital Barbados Business Email List and strategy at true syd, posited that there’s nothing. Worse than a company being seen as opportunistic in a crisis.
“If you pay attention to retaining customers through. The coronavirus and try to figure out how to support them. Even if your product isn’t necessarily involved, you’ll earn them. Loyalty and satisfaction in the long run,” szeps advises.
In An Interview With Cmo Wp Engine Cmo Ellen
Dugan emphasized that brands should deliver consistent and frequent messages during this time, and each time, the format, timing and distribution channel of the message should be considered. Remember, people tend to seek connection, especially in times of uncertainty, he added.
Brands that engage with their customers in CH Leads an effective and relatable way will resonate most during and after a crisis,” dugan said. In times of uncertainty, transparent and open communication is the key to maintaining loyalty and trust.”
Heather de santis of publicity for good said there are good reasons for brands to continue posting on social media during the covid-19 pandemic. In particular, it is okay to share vital information related to health, he added.