As the importance of personal information protection. Grows day by day, the controversy over the collection. Of third-party cookies is an invasion of privacy, and google .Announced in 2019 that it would stop supporting. Third-party cookies in its chrome browser.Since then, google has proposed ‘federated learning of cohorts’ as a new technology to replace third-party cookies.
Flock’ groups and groups users with similar interests into thousands of cohorts. Google explains that since advertisers are only provided with information of a specific group, individual user information is not exposed. However, criticism continued that it could extract. Personal information of users belonging to a specific. Group by reverse-engineering the group generation algorithm. And google said it stopped the project.
We Designed The Topics Api Based On Lessons Learned From
According to the company, the ‘topics Greenland Email List api’ allows browsers to learn the interests of users. Based on a week’s worth of browsing history, the browser identifies topics that represent the user’s major interests (e.G. Fitness, travel, etc.). When a user visits a site that uses the topics api, the browser shares three topics of interest (one per week) from the past three weeks with the site and its advertising partners. Topics are archived for three weeks, after which they are deleted. In addition, topics are select entirely on the user’s device without using external servers, including google servers. There are currently about 350 topics available for ad classification.
Flock And Feedback From The Community Said Ben Galbraith Head Of Google’s Privacy Sandbox
Google said topics does not include CH Leads sensitive categories such as gender and race. In addition, compared to tracking mechanisms such as third-party cookies, since it works in the browser, it provides a way to see and control how data is shar. Accordingly, the company added that if you use the chrome browser, it is building a tool that will allow you to check topics and delete unwanted topics or disable the feature altogether.