Amazon is the world’s largest online store. Ceo jeff bezos founded amazon to sell books. Online in 1994, but has since grown to such .A scale that amazon has more than a hundred fulfillment centers around the world and 11 regional online stores, not to mention hundreds. Of millions of monthly users.
Amazon has also been rumored to .Land in finland in the next few years. This puts many. Entrepreneurs on their guard, as it is difficult to compete. With the e-commerce giant. However, amazon is not a threat to a finnish entrepreneur, but rather. An opportunity, because it is easier to get products distributed internationally through amazon than with your own advice. In this article, we go through how amazon works and how you, as an entrepreneur, can access international markets.
Without leaving your office
Why amazon?
Amazon has approximately 150 million monthly. Users in the united states and has built a reputation. As the “Google of shoppers.” many americans, when they email list see a product in an online store, look for the product on amazon and. Prefer to buy it there. Instead of the original seller, even if the price is higher. The reason is. Simple: at amazon, the customer comes first. The prices are very competitive and the delivery is fast.
Customer service is always professional and returns are easy.
All practical functions, from the usability of. The online store to customer service, have been made as easy as possible for the customer. You can log in CH Leads to amazon if you wish, and the service remembers the customer’s address and payment method,. And the customer does not have to enter them again and again.
Amazon invests in simplicity. Of use, and one example of their innovation is 1-click, where the customer can buy. The product they want with one click. Currently, amazon is planning to establish its own delivery service, which will shorten delivery. Times even more and reduce logistics costs for sellers.