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Marketing teams in smarketing processes

Let’s go back in time: traditional business models form a company and divid it into departments. These areas work together only when they had projects in common, and the results, whether positive or negative, were shar; however, even under these circumstances, it was not common for the areas to communicate with each other on the way to achieving these results.

In response to this exhausting situation, what we now know as smart marketing emerg : a system that promotes the integration of both areas in a way that eliminates friction. For this union to occur organically, each area must fulfill a specific role and responsibilities. Here we will explain the role of the marketing team in the processes of this strategy.

Smarketing: the advantages of aligning marketing with sales

With the push of the inbound methodology and other new nurse database business visions, the conflict between marketing and sales came to light. This is how the formula sales + marketing = smarketing was born .

A company must seek to make this cooperation successful in order to optimize its processes and achieve better results, since if marketing and sales can work together, it can increase its customer retention by up to 36%.

Inbound and smarketing: strategic boost

The customer-bas cycle model of the inbound methodology is encourage saving to favorites in itself an integrator of efforts: that is why three fundamental areas revolve around the customer (whom we place at the center) and must be link: customer service, marketing and sales .

With smarketing, both the marketing and sales teams are involv from the definition of the buyer persona, to have a precise ideal client whom they will know how to attract, interact with and delight.


While the marketing team maps out the buyer’s journey to identify customer touchpoints and the content that will accompany them at each stage, the sales team will be on the alert and will be nourish by information that helps shape strategies.

Marketing focuses on unknowns and leads


While the sales team is orient towards prospects and sms to data customers. Meanwhile, the service team builds loyalty and focuses on creating ambassadors.

In the end, the result will be a company that can grow better. That is the relationship between inbound and smarketing: integrating efforts and sharing objectives.

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