Your job is to negotiating online anticipate as many possible turns during the negotiations as possible. This way, you will definitely not find yourself in a situation where you have to improvise and make decisions in a hurry.
Rule 3:, you ne to look like you would in a live meeting.
For many, this seems strange, because you can simply turn on your computer and get in touch. Why dress nicely if we stay at home? In fact, it is important to make an impression in any negotiations. And in the first minutes, we are judg precisely by our appearance.
It is better to dress as if for a business meeting
Een polish your shoes. Why? First of all, for yourself. Because this way we feel collect and confident, and our mood is read by negotiating online the opponent.
Make sure that the background behind you looks appropriate to the situation, is not distracting, and that there are no scatter things or household items in the frame.
Rule 4: 30% of the time talking, 70% listening
We were taught at school that the rich people database one who speaks better, negotiates better. In fact, this is not true. It is more important to listen carefully to the interlocutor, manage the negotiation process, and insert concise and clear negotiating online proposals and arguments at the right time. Listening also allows you to better understand the opponent and shows that you respect and accept his point of view.
Rule 5: Use non-verbal techniques
As studies show, words account for only 7% of the influence on the interlocutor. Another 38% is convey by intonation, and 55% by facial expressions, postures and gestures, that is, non-verbals.
Yes, in virtual communication
The possibilities negotiating the steel bird breaks through online to make an impression are somewhat limit, we do not see each other fully, but, for example, only the face or the figure from the waist up. But it is here that it is especiall y afb directory important to create the effect of a live presence: through emotions, through a smile, glances and unobtrusive conversation. Try to maintain eye contact with the camera to create the feeling of looking into the eyes.