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Some flexibility in working arrangements


This can help to support wellbeing and can reduce costs such as commuting, at least in the short term. Time off for appointments, and discussions with financial advisers and service providers such as utility companies, are further options.

Signpost to financial advice
Some employers are turning to actively providing pointers to sources of financial advice or bringing advice providers into work, for example for talks on debt management, pensions and savings.

Have a financial wellbeing policy

Whether employers choose to point employees elsewhere for help, or set up their own bahrain phone number library support, a proactive approach is what counts. And there is growing evidence that financial wellbeing policies should be a formal element of the employer offer.

According to a 2022 CIPD survey, employees in organisations with a financial wellbeing policy are far more likely to say their employer does enough to support their financial wellbeing (60% compared with 28%); and are more likely to say they are keeping up with all bill and credit card commitments without any difficulties (70% compared with 58%).

The value of employee voice

The current economic crisis has created a necessity for change. It is long established that strategies to support employee wellbeing should be hard-wired into organisational practice.

The current economic environment has put a spotlight on how financial wellbeing should be part of this story.

But deeper anxiety may also emerge with bigger challenges to mental wellbeing, leading to an this afternoon partly heavy thunderstorms  inability to cope with work and potentially long-term absence.

Acas’s guidance on mental wellbeing and our framework for positive mental health at work map the role of managers and the organisation as a whole, as well as how individuals can support themselves.

The process can start by initiating conversations and having group discussions alb directory with people at work, beginning with listening to their concerns and suggestions for support.

There is nothing new in this – giving employees a voice is a core ingredient in creating a supportive environment and positive relations at work. The cost of listening will be low to zero.

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