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What is the ideal PNO?

I’ve heard this story from companies many times. The company set a maximum PNO for the agency. The PPC specialist was so skilled that he managed to meet the PNO target. And the company was unhappy about it. What happened?

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The PPC specialist was given zalo database a target of maximum PNO and so he started optimizing. He started throttling the campaigns to meet the target. The company’s turnover started to drop and it gradually got deeper and deeper into trouble.

There are several problems with this scenario:

main goal of PNO: PNO should only be a limit, not a goal towards which you will optimize
The PPC specialist did not warn the company in advance what the PNO reduction would mean
Okay, so how do you “is a language stay better before or after the bac?” talk to a company about maximum PNO/CPA?

look at impression share and click share, do you have room for growth?

Step 2: How much could you earn with a looser PNO/CPA? Based on historical data, your estimates, and Google’s estimates

You will need to estimate how much you will need to increase your bid to achieve more clicks -> conversions.

Discussion with the company – show them your estimates. How much will the costs increase vs. how much will the turnover increase

WARNING! Never just china phone numbers show conversion growth, companies don’t listen to that. Show profit growth.

Verify your estimates and test whether you can really grow enough for the projected costs

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