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When it comes to generating subscribers

For example. Unlike snapshots and stories. Blog posts don’t disappear after 24 hours. And unlike live videos. There’s no ne for separate equipment or to spend a lot of time practicing what you’re about to say. While blog posts may also seem boring compar to many other newer online marketing tactics. Posts are always green. Live forever on your property (unless you delete them). And you have total control over them . So. When it comes to generating subscribers and driving conversions. You should definitely include blog posts in your content strategy to attract and engage readers.

Many brands make the mistake

Hubspot found that businesses that blogg 11 times or more per month had 3x more traffic than those that blogg once a month or less. But how Country Email List do you use blog post traffic to drive results for your brand? It all starts with readers signing up to your email list. Here are three ways to grow your subscriber list through blogging. 1. Have more opt-in points on your website first of all. Remember that people can’t sign up to your email list if they don’t know it exists. Many brands make the mistake of adding a “Newsletter” link to the footer of their website and doing nothing else.

Link to a signup page

country email list

But blogs host a huge amount of content. So a link at the bottom of the site will be overlook. Instead. Weave multiple opportunities to join your mailing list throughout the blog design. And the blog posts themselves. An opt-in point can be   CH Leads  something like a form where readers enter their email address. Link to a signup page. Etc. Different places to place opt-in forms include: your website header or footer a dicat page on your website your blog’s sidebar at the end of each blog post inside the body of a blog post as a pop-up for new blog visitors for example

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