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Will Experience Slow Adoption In The Marketplace

In the beginning, marketers around the world Quite high hopes for VR and AR in marketing. Back in 2021, 35% of marketers made use of AR or VR in their strategies. and from those marketers Almost half plan to increase investment in 2022, but by 2023 this strategy may slow down. Because marketers plan to invest less. More than a quarter (27%) of marketers plan to phase out VR and AR by 2023 due to expensive devices. Trends in VR and AR marketing can change at any moment.

More Brands Will Test Native Ads

By 2022, almost a quarter (23%) of marketers plan to take advantage of native ads.  Why is there growing interest in this strategy? The answer is because it works well. Among marketers using native ads, over 36% say it works. While almost 50% say it’s their top ROI generating strategy when your brand pays to feature content on a third-party website. Show that you’re investing in native advertising. Unlike traditional advertising, it’s designed to interrupt and stand out. Native advertising is designed to blend in and promote your brand with new audiences who may not have known you before.

This Is Because Native Ads Don’t Feel Like Traditional Ads

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 Consumers are therefore more likely to consume those ads. In fact, consumers view more than 50% more native ads than banner ads. Examples of native ads can be CH Leads found on social media. via search engine results content recommendation platform (These links to other content that you can click on at the bottom of the page to read more or relate to the topic) or in the campaign.

Instagram is a clear example. By being a popular social media network that regularly partners with brands. for native advertising By taking advantage of the Instagram Story or Shop feature, brands can share posts that resemble the posting style of regular users. While advertising the product in detail.

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