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11 Basic Seo Methods That You Can Easily Do Yourself And For Free

Just then, MakeWebEasy saw that there was an announcement (from Seach Engine Land and Official Google Webmaster Blog ) about adjusting Google’s Algorithm by bringing Mobile-Friendly Factor to be the ranking of Mobile Search’s ranking, so I would like to explain it to you. understand each other because it is very important and should know very well.

before getting into it Many to many people when it comes to “Seach Mobile? I’m not interested in deceiving, just asking for a Search on Desktop is enough.” which is very wrong. Because if you are overlooking Mobile Search, then you will lose a lot of benefits.

The reason why MakeWebEasy would like to introduce to make you not must be overlooked with Mobile Search, for example.

Nowadays  people use Mobile to access a lot of information (many websites

More people accessing through Indonesia Email List Mobile than through Desktop). You can try using a statistics collection program. You can check, especially Google Analytic, which will let you know that the traffic that comes to your website with Mobile Search is not a lot, right?
If the updated Mobile-Friendly Algorithm affects the ranking on mobile, it will cause part of the traffic to be lost to other websites that rank better (even though your content is better and even though on desktop you rank better). such website always )
Although at present there is a reasonable awareness about Responsive. But there are many other websites that I’m overlooking this part. So it’s a good opportunity. That we will seize more opportunities for traffic to our website from Mobile Search if we do not neglect Responsive.

Well, let’s take a look at the content. What does Google say in this news? (Content from Official Google Webmaster Blog), but roughly translated.


When it comes to search on mobile devices

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Users should get the most relevant and timely results, no matter if the information lives on mobile-friendly web pages or apps. As more people use mobile CH Leads devices to access the internet, our algorithms have to adapt to these usage patterns. IWe’ve made it easier for users to find mobile-friendly web pages and we’ve introduced App Indexing to surface useful content from apps. Today, we’re announcing two important changes to help users discover more mobile-friendly content.

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