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A good leader trusts their employees. Why is micromanagement harmful to your business?

At first glance, it might seem that a manager who keeps a close eye on his employees has his business 100% under control. However, the opposite is true. Micromanagement is a direct path to business stagnation and burnout. Find out how to spot unhealthy control in the workplace and how to get rid of the need for constant supervision.

How to recognize a micromanager?

The term micromanagement refers to excessive control of  gambling data korea employees by their superiors. The micromanager wants to control even the smallest details, such as routine email communication with business partners or the way the workday is organized. In the worst case, he or she also tends to redo the work of his or her employees.

They may not have bad intentions, and micromanagers are often not even aware of their actions. The need for control is usually the result of an excessive sense of responsibility or personal insecurity . Sometimes, however, it is also the result of distrust in employees or overestimation of their own abilities.

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Micromanagement creates a toxic work environment and reduces productivity
It’s probably no wonder that no competent employee wants to work under a micromanager . So if you obsess over details and over-control your employees, don’t expect to build a quality and stable team.

Micromanagement worsens the atmosphere in the workplace and significantly affects the motivation of employees , who then do not come up with new ideas and soon cease to be proactive. Work efficiency drops sharply , as employees learn to passively fulfill the requirements of their superiors without regard to their meaningfulness or long-term results.

If you overcome your own need to constantly monitor your team, it  the zuckerberg family will be easier for your business, your employees, and you – you will significantly reduce unnecessary work, which will give you time to develop your business. And your employees will have much-needed space to develop their talents, creativity, and ideas.

5 principles of a good leader or how to overcome the need to control your team
Perhaps you too struggle with the need for constant supervision, even though you’re aware of the pitfalls of micromanagement. So how do you overcome your fear of imperfection , let go of the reins, and hand over responsibility to your employees?

Don’t insist on strict adherence to working hours

The most common and annoying habit of micromanagers is watching the minute hand on their watch. But you never know why your employee is late or taking a longer lunch break. Maybe they just need more rest to be more productive, or maybe they need to walk the dog or do some shopping for their sick grandmother at noon. Just because someone sits in the office for eight hours definitely doesn’t mean they’ll get more done.

So, if an employee is delivering work on time and to the required quality, let them organize their workday themselves . Respect the individual personal needs of your employees and do not interfere with their privacy.

Define your expectations, not your procedures
A good leader is above all a visionary and motivator who sets the  thailand data direction, sets the company’s values ​​and nurtures his team to perform at their best. Do not demand meaningless reports or meetings from them, which only delay them from work and create unnecessary pressure.

So set measurable goals and a deadline for submitting the task . And don’t tackle it at all until then – know that employees have a much greater sense of responsibility than you might expect. And decision-making competences are the best motivation for employees.

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How  recognize  micromanager?

But your employees may want to do it differently for various reasons . Allow them to establish their own routines for work and adapt to them. Just because their procedures aren’t exactly to your liking doesn’t mean they’re worse.

See your employees as partners who want to grow your business with you. Listen to their needs, be flexible, and seek their advice . Incorporate employees’ opinions and ideas into future planning activities to make them work as well as possible.

Develop your employees
How to break the feeling of distrust towards your own employees? By developing their skills . Allow them to learn and grow, and you learn from them. Employees can then gradually take on more and more responsibility, even in ar

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