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Web usability testing: the techniques.
Different techniques are used to optimize web usability and. Therefore, the conversion of a site .

Some are based on the previous. Knowledge and experience of the development team and others. The most interesting in my opinion, are based on the real experience of the user .

To make decisions based on. User behavior, we generally use two sources. Of information: web analytics or the user themselves.

large volumes of information to

interpret, user testing (or web usability testing) offers us real, first-hand conclusions .

Although with much smaller user samples, of course, not everything was going to be perfect!

A web usability test can be used to audit turkey phone number library one or more pages of a site , helping to detect malfunctions that a team of several people has often overlooked.

And the thing is things always

look clearer from the outside , without the flaws of the development process itself.

These tests can be carried out on test environments defining an intelligent script or production environments and in different phases of an online project.

But what does seo have to do with web usability?

First of all, it should be noted that the previously mentioned phases of a web project are usually the same ones in which we put the greatest seo contact lists optimization efforts .

So, the logical thing would be to take advantage of these tests to obtain relevant information from an seo point of view.

In fact, web usability itself and seo share some basic objectives .

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