5 digital transformation alerts More than ever, digital transformation for companies is a matter of survival – in the hearts and minds of consumers. Not to mention in the market and in the sea of competition.
As we have said here a few times, digital transformation is already a reality in society as a whole . And it has been influencing the way we consume, live, conduct our daily routines and will shape the new future in an increasingly intense way.
The global scenario is already pointing
To trends that are converging to leverage opportunities for the entire market. And your company (as well as your board of directors) needs to be aware of these five points that promise to further intensify the need for companies to adapt to digital transformation:
1) Business models are changing due to digital transformation for companies
Digital transformation, changes in consumer profiles and work methods, unstable economic scenarios, and global environmental lebanon telegram data awareness. All of these factors are increasingly influencing the way people and companies do business. And this directly affects the structures of each segment.
The CGI Global 1000 study, carried out in
The first quarter of 2016, showed that around a third of executives already perceive this change.
And they already understand that they need digital transformation: how to prepare your marketing team to structure their companies to serve this new consumer and ensure an upward growth curve.
2) The intensification of consumerization in our daily lives
A term used to explain the use of personal gadgets – such as smartphones and tablets – in the workplace, consumerization is also a reflection uae cell number of the digital transformation in society.
And this habit also extends to your customer’s contact with your company through channels that were previously not usual for your sales and customer service team.
The CGI study cited above found that 71% of major
Business leaders believe their customers want to engage with brands through personalized digital experiences. And 18% concluded that digital channels will be the preferred way for this audience to interact with companies.
This trend, which is a direct reflection of the digital transformation faced by society, is even more pronounced in the retail, communications, finance and consumer goods segments.
3) Regulatory demands are greater and faster
We now operate at a much faster pace than we did five or eight years ago. Today, customers who send a question via Facebook expect an immediate response .
Long bureaucratic processes to bring this response from the company center to the consumer, common in previous company structures, no longer work in this new structure.
Furthermore, half of the leaders who participated in the
CGI study indicated that today’s demands are further impacted by the growing demands of their organizations .
Today, these leaders are under even more pressure due to the material losses that companies can suffer due to privacy and data protection laws.
4) In digital transformation for companies, security is a competitive advantage
In times of WikiLeaks, photos leaked to the press and breaches of confidentiality, information security is one of society’s main concerns . So much so that it was an item mentioned by 62% of the leaders of organizations interviewed by CGI.
Digital transformation for companies promises to greatly speed up their internal sales processes. But speed can never be an excuse for leaving your information without adequate protection.
5) IT is the start of digital transformation for companies
As we said in one of our previous articles, companies that do not embrace.