On the other side of the equation! if you have ad inventory to sell! then signing up with a Supply-Side Platform is essential to take advantage of real-time bidding. With an SSP! you don’t have to speak with any advertisers or do any of the manual work associated with account management.
Here are a few of my favorite supply-side channels that can help publishers sell ad inventory through real-time bidding.
- Magnite: This Supply-Side Platform is best for large-scale ad inventory sellers who also want to sell ad space through Private Marketplace (PMP) and Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) systems. It’s a good fit if you’re an experienced ad seller who wants to upgrade to a more capable system.
- Index Exchange: This simpler supply-side marketplace allows you to get started with selling ad inventory on multiple channels! including display! video! mobile! and native. As such! it will be a good fit for publishers who would like to start selling ad inventory or who plan to take advantage of all these available channels.
Still not sure if buying or selling programmatic ads through real-time bidding is right for you? Below! I’ll go over some of the most important pros and cons to keep in mind when deciding whether to invest in RTB.
Real-Time Bidding Pros
Better Tracking
As TeqBlaze CEO Anastasia-Nikita Bansal explains! real-time bidding provides marketers “real-time insights and the ability to adjust campaigns on the fly.” She continues! “[This] ensur[es] advertisers can optimize their ads to reach the right audience at the right time! thereby reducing wasted impressions.”
In other words! with RTB! advertisers iraq telegram data can monitor their campaigns easily without relying on vendors. No need to reach out to multiple publishers and ask for reports — you can get all the data you need yourself on your DSP.
This also gives marketers the agility to pivot quickly if their campaign isn’t performing as expected. For instance! you might find that switching out one keyword for another may boost your campaign’s performance and align better with the audience you want to reach.
Real-time bidding with programmatic advertising enables you to track your campaigns and easily identify opportunities for improvement.
Better Targeting
In addition! when purchasing ads through RTB! you buy one impression at a time.
That means every time a website visitor or mobile app user visits a publisher’s site! you get the chance to assess that person’s profile and see whether it matches your target audience. This makes for more accurate targeting! as you can ensure your ads only reach the right people at the right time.
Indeed! “RTB has a clear edge as compared to traditional forms of media buying!” notes Shridhar Mishra! chief business officer of the EMEA and APAC regions for DIGIAD DMCC. Specifically! he argues that “the performance [of RTB] would be quite better since you are going contextual and targeting the most relevant audience sets.”
More Cost-Effective
Finally! one recent report found that! on average! programmatic ads cost up to 20 times less per impression than traditional ads. Moreover! I’ve found that the precision of real-time bidding allows marketers to spend their ad dollars on higher-value impressions.
Too often! I’ve seen brands launch marketing campaigns that reach their target market occasionally! leaving much of their budget wasted on the buyer decided to return the purchased users who don’t fit the brand’s profile. In contrast! RTB enables marketers to ensure that every cent goes toward targeting users who are likely to be interested in the brand.
In addition! RTB takes much of phone number thailand the manual labor out of the online advertising process! allowing marketers to focus on other efforts.
You can also complement your RTB efforts by leveraging a Free Paid Media Template to track and organize your media planning. With tools like these! marketing teams can get more bang for their buck! prioritizing high-value work.