Through this acquisition of udm, hancom. Has a strategy to expand the b2c market by giving new changes. To the business structure that was centered on b2b and b2g. We plan to support. The expansion of cloud services for hancom office.Which hancom is promoting, and new services that are being promot as future new businesses, to b2c.
Established in 2011, udm is an integrated digital marketing company that has successfully completed more than 400 digital branding and marketing projects.
In Particular This Acquisition Plans To Focus
On udm’s global business expansion by Monaco Email List utilizing most of the investment funds for the acquisition of new stocks and actively trying to enter overseas markets through the acquisition of overseas digital marketing companies.
Kim yeon-soo, ceo of hangul and compute. Said, “if hancom has been focusing only on productivity tools. In the future, we want to become a company that presents ‘convenience-dime.’ from the user’s point of view within the entire flow of information consumption. From the production of information to the digestion of information. “for hancom, which was focus on the existing .B2b and b2g businesses, the acquisition of udm will be a great foundation. For growth in the b2c market.
Within Sharpspring A Workflow Consists Of Two Parts
Automation tasks contain a series of conditions, action groups contain the actions that are perform when a contact meets the set condition. In addition, you have CH Leads been working with new visual workflows for quite some time. This is now going to change. As of october 2018, all automation tasks will be converted to visual workflows and the ‘old’ way of working will expire.
Virtual workflows in sharpspring
Sharpspring introduced this new type of workflow about a year ago . The functionality has now been expand quite a bit. The big advantage of visual workflows is that it supports multiple paths. This allows you to let a contact follow a certain path based on filter criteria within the workflow.