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Rankbrain The Disaster Of Sai Spin Seo

One of the trends in 2018 is inevitable about Machine Learning or AI, which everything is very close to us. Including in the SEO industry, SEO people must be prepared to deal with the AI ​​trend. What does AI have to do with SEO? The two main factors are website content and BackLink. BackLink is like a popularity rating, like any website with a lot of Backlinks is considered a quality website. Importantly, the incoming BackLinks must come from quality websites, not from Saipun websites . (Websites that copy the article or spam the content.

But in the latter, google tried to focus. With user experience to make search .Results as efficient as possible, we developed. Rankbrain, an ai system that helps rank search results. By bringing information from user experience .That users search and find results satisfied with. The results? For example, click on a search result. Entered the website for a long time do not come. Back to search again, including engagement, that is, content is shared on various social.

Currently RankBrain is the third ranking factor behind content and backlinks

But Google recently announced that Iceland Email List Will increase the importance of RankBrain in 2018, may come to the 1st or 2nd position instead of BackLink.

So how do we deal with it

Country Email List

Making valuable content useful to readers Try to write with your own point of view. to make the content different from others
Good illustrations help Having illustrations in addition to making the content interesting to read It will also help explain the content for readers to CH Leads understand more.
making interesting videos It will help attract users to stay on our website for a longer time. Easy steps are to create a Youtube Channel and upload a video on the Youtube Channel and then write a Tilte that is consistent with the keyword and put the Youtube embeded code on the website.
Build Engagement on Social once you’ve made great content. must create user participation to share comments on Social as well
In summary, the SEO trend of 2018 still focuses on making good quality content.

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