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Sales Customer Finance∙departments Are Also Looking For

We had to find a solution that fit our existing team capabilities, but also one that was ready to scale,” krittle recalls.

In anticipation of this request, the team had already reviewed various platforms and chose domo. “domo helped connect and allowed us to scale with great ux,” klittle said, stressing the importance of having a mobile-first strategy at uber.

“This way, our team was able to derive insights from their own dashboards and drive their own results,” he added.

Uber senior t&e reporting analyst rob washam said that uber’s biggest data challenge is getting everything in one place.

For us, fast data visualization and collection tools were most important. Domo has implemented all of this for us, including a drag-and-drop interface that’s easy to use, even without a data scientist. In this way, every click results in something actionable for the team. There were several dashboards before. But now I like the ability to create two different dashboards and add everyone. It also captivates people with its reporting capabilities.”

Krittle added that the results speak for themselves. We provided data to the business team very quickly. And by giving the team access to these key metrics, some analytics access .Was reduced by 50%. “I cut it short because I was able to see data trends. And act on them in a short amount of time to get results,” she said.

We Plan To Use The Data To Highlight Excellent Employee


For a pilot of the dashboard I created Guatemala Business Email List for the business, I used my tech team to get critical feedback and make adjustments.”

Experience And Best Practices Ex Is Very Important

“We’ve been using domo for this to lead other initiatives internally to track and view metrics. Krittle is now an enterprise-wide application.

B2B Email List

Krittle . “We got involved in the solution by enabling people to connect to and interact with data, which proves the power of data and platforms.”

“This has helped advance the team’s brand by CH Leads adding value to the business to help the team achieve results,” she added.

After solving these business problems, creitl also. Seized future opportunities in workflow capabilities .By leveraging the data already on the platform.


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