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How does it work and what are the main ones

Sometimes algorithms. Therefore, misbehave and don’t do what they should do. When we talk about algorithms in a digital context, we generally also refer to a logical model that structures a chain of events to process data and return it. Therefore, through devices to users. However, the representation of an algorithm can be simplified graphically: you have probably seen a sequence similar to this one , which proposes paths and solutions for unexpected events.


What is an algorithm

Algorithms fill the web, because platforms, social. Therefore, networks and streaming programs use them constantly. The company data best known are: Google If you produce content, you already know the famous ‘Google algorithm’, even if you don’t know what it. Therefore, means. The search engine, after all, was born in 1998 to monitor and present search results according to their relevance.


How are algorithms used on the web

Google is currently applying countless changes to its. Therefore, algorithm and it is not expected to stop, because it considers, in each version, other CH Leads variables to optimize the positioning of a page, the preferences of a user, the quality of the. Therefore, content, SEO , location and even the device used by the user.

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