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Observers have offer many insights into how

Ceo zenith italyin the era of the attention economy the battle is no longer to win over the customer but to attract him through new customization keys. Precision marketing and a new role for communication agencies are call into question which. Thanks to Observers have offer many insights into how  sophisticat analysis tools and structural modeling that works on particular segmentation and aggregation criteria. Become the strategic partners of brands. “let’s not forget that 94% of shoppers still prefer to shop in stores – recall luca cavalli. Ceo of zenith italy – and that there are still 40% of italians who do not

connect to the web having said this Observers have offer many

There is no doubt that the challenge for companies today is divid into three dimensions: consumers. Innovation africa email list and technology. If shoppers’ attention is hyper-fragment across multiple contact points which in turn ruce attention times. The answer is personalization which. Statistically. Manages to increase the conversion rate by 50 times to the point that. Between now and the next three years. 50% of companies will make it their main investment object. This is where the role of a communication company’s partner comes into play. Advertising. In fact. Has reach the status of a science because it works on test and correct methods. Deriv from the analysis of a whole series of cause/effect mechanisms that today allow us to formulate laws that allow us to explain (and understand) only the types of consumer but also their choice criteria. Marketing thus recovers its fundamental.

Function through new levels of understanding and action

Ceo zenith italyin the era of the attention economy the battle is no longer to win over the customer but to attract him through new customization keys. Precision marketing and a new role for communication agencies are call into question which. Thanks Observers have offer many insights into how  to sophisticat analysis tools and structural modeling that works  CH Leads on particular segmentation and aggregation criteria. Become the strategic partners of brands. “let’s not forget that 94% of shoppers still prefer to shop in stores – recall luca cavalli. Ceo of zenith italy – and that there are still 40% of italians who do not connect to the web . Having said this.

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